- 100th Day of School
- Abuse
- Activism
- Addition and Subtraction
- Adoption and Foster Care
- Adult Appeal
- Africa
- African Americans
- Aliens
- Alphabet
- Alternative Family Styles
- Animals
- Antarctica & Arctic Regions
- Anxiety
- Appearance and Self-Perception
- Archaeology
- Art and Architecture
- Arts and Crafts
- Asia
- Asian, Asian American & Pacific Islander
- Astronauts & Pilots
- Baseball and Softball
- Basketball
- Bears
- Beauty and Fashion
- Bedtime and Dreams
- Behaviour and Manners
- Biology
- Biracial and Multiracial Experiences
- Birds
- Birthdays
- Black, African & African American
- Black History Month
- Black Stories
- Boats
- Brothers & Sisters
- Building
- Building Character
- Bullying
- Camping
- Canada
- Canada Day
- Careers and Community Helpers
- Caribbean Islands
- Cars and Buses
- Cats and Kittens
- Celebrities
- Chanukah
- Child Development
- Christmas
- Cities & States
- Citizenship and Patriotism
- City Life
- Civics and Government
- Cleverness and Resourcefulness
- Coding and Programming
- Colours
- Coming of Age
- Communities and Ways of Life
- Community Involvement
- Compassion
- Construction Machines
- Cooking and Food
- Counting, Numbers and Place Value
- Countries, Continents & Regions
- Creative Writing
- Creativity
- Crime and Criminals
- Culture & Diversity
- Dance
- Dating and Crushes
- Death and Grief
- Dental Health
- Depression
- Determination and Perseverance
- Dinosaur Bones and Fossils
- Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals
- Disabilities & Differences
- Disasters & Stories of Survival
- Disease
- Diversity & Representation
- Divorce and Separation
- Diwali
- Dogs and Puppies
- Dragons and Other Mythical Animals
- Drawing and Painting
- Dystopian Worlds
- Earth
- Earth Day
- Earthquakes
- Easter
- Eating Disorders and Self-Harm
- Eid
- Emigration and Immigration
- Emotions and Feelings
- Engineering
- Entertainers and Performing Artists
- Equality & Social Justice
- Europe
- Exclusive Editions
- Exploration and Colonization
- Fairies
- Fall
- Family
- Family Day
- Family Issues
- Farm Animals
- Farms and Gardening
- Father's Day
- Fire Safety
- First Day of School
- First Nations
- Fish
- Fitness
- Football
- Fractions and Decimals
- Fractured Fairy Tales
- Friendship
- Friendship Activities
- Geography & Map Skills
- Geometry
- Gingerbread
- Graduation
- Grandparents
- Greek Mythology
- Growing Up
- Growth Mindset
- Gymnastics
- Habitats and Ecosystems
- Halloween
- Hamsters, Mice and Other Rodents
- Health and Hygiene
- Healthy Choices
- Heroism and Bravery
- High Interest & Low Vocabulary
- High School
- Hispanic & Latine
- History
- Hockey
- Holidays and Festivals
- Holocaust Remembrance Day
- Homelessness and Poverty
- Honesty
- Horses and Ponies
- Human Body
- Identity
- Illness and Injury
- Imagination and Play
- Indigenous People
- Indigenous Peoples' Day
- Individuality
- Inquiry-Based Learning
- Insects, Spiders and Other Creepy Crawlies
- International Women's Day
- Internet and Social Media
- Intrigue
- Inuit
- Jewish Experiences
- Jobs & Making Money
- Jokes and Riddles
- Journeys and Travels
- Kindness
- Kwanzaa
- Language Arts
- Latin America
- Leadership
- Learning Another Language
- Levelled Readers
- LGBTQIA2S+ Experiences
- Life Cycles and Food Webs
- Lions, Tigers and Other Big Cats
- Losing Teeth
- Love and Affection
- Love and Heartbreak
- Lunar New Year
- Magic
- Magnets
- Martial Arts
- Math
- Mental Health
- Métis
- Middle School
- Military
- Mindfulness
- Money Skills
- Monkeys, Apes and Other Primates
- Mother's Day
- Mothers & Fathers
- Motorcycles
- Movement
- Movies
- Moving
- Multiplication and Division
- Mummies
- Music
- Muslim Experiences
- Mythical Creatures
- Neighborhood Places
- New Sibling
- New Year's Day
- Ninjas
- North America
- Nutrition
- Ocean Animals
- Oceania
- Oceans and Seas
- Outdoor Recreation
- Overcoming Obstacles
- Paranormal
- Parents
- Parts of Speech
- Passover
- Patterns
- Peer Pressure and Conformity
- Penguins
- Pets
- Phonics
- Physics
- Pirates and Vikings
- Planes
- Poetry
- Popularity and Fitting In
- Popular Media Brands
- Popular Music
- Potty Training
- Powers & Gifts
- Prejudice and Racism
- PreK
- Pride and Self-Esteem
- Protecting Our Environment
- Puzzles and Brainteasers
- Rabbits
- Racing
- Rainforests
- Ramadan
- Reading and Literacy
- Religion and Spirituality
- Reluctant Reader Appeal
- Remembrance Day
- Reptiles and Amphibians
- Respecting Others
- Responsibility
- Retellings and Adaptations
- Rhyming
- Robots
- Rocks and Minerals
- Royalty
- Runaways
- Safety
- School
- School Elections
- Science
- Science Experiments
- Scientists and Inventors
- Seasons
- Senses
- Separation Anxiety
- Shapes
- Sharing
- Sharks
- Siblings
- Sight Words
- Simple Machines
- Skateboarding
- Soccer
- Society and Ethics
- Space Adventures
- Special Needs
- Spies and Spying
- Spooky
- Sports
- Sports Figures
- Sportsmanship
- Spring
- St. Patrick's Day
- Summer
- Superheroes
- Swimming
- Teachers
- Teamwork
- Technology and Inventions
- Telling Time
- Thankfulness and Gratitude
- Thanksgiving
- The American Revolution
- Theater
- The Civil Rights Movement
- The French Revolution
- The Great Depression
- The Holocaust
- The Middle Ages
- The Solar System and Space
- Time and Measurement
- Time Travel
- Tolerance
- Tough Stuff/Issues
- Trains
- Transportation and Vehicles
- Trees
- Trucks
- Unicorns
- Valentines Day
- Value Pack
- Video Games and Gaming
- Vocabulary and Spelling
- Volcanoes
- Wars and Conflicts
- Weather
- Weddings
- Weird Science
- Winter
- Wolves, Coyotes and Other Wild Dogs
- Women
- Women's History
- World War II and the Holocaust
- Writing and Composition
- Zombies
- Zoo Animals
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Grades 4 - 8
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Retail: $17.99
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Grades 3 - 6
Paperback Book Pack
Teacher’s Recommendation
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Retail: $33.98
Your Price: $26.99
You Save: $6.99 (20%)
Grades 5 - 8
Teacher’s Recommendation
Classroom Wishlist Item
Your Price: $12.99
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